
Below you will find live examples of my code from GitHubOctocat

Feel free to use my code but remember that understanding the code is more important then a good grade!

Current Date

Example of how to get and display the current date using Javascript.

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Flexbox Navbars

3 Examples of navigation bars using Flexbox. Pick your fl[ex]avor. 😎

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Header with Flex

A simple Header with Flexbox that utilizes Flexbox's column feature.

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HTML's pattern and required attributes

An example of using HTML's pattern and required attributes to validate input fileds in a form.

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Lazy Loading

In this example of Lazy Loading, I have created a little gallery with images to show what lazy loading does and I got to say, it is pretty sweet!

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Navigation Bar with a 🍔

Here is an example of a navigation bar with a hamburger menu that replaces the links when a user's viewport matches the specified size in set media query

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